For people who want to

be the best

version of yourself



Relax more

Relate better

Get in flow 

Rock your thing

As seen on:


“Thank you for the huge impact you had. Everyone’s feedback has been very positive. You brought everyone into the room to experience the evening consciously and with an open mind. It made the experience much more valuable and meaningful. Thank you.”

Nancy Fechnay, The Inspire Movement, Google UK

Happy Clients:


Are we a good fit? 

Q.   Are you a yoga teacher, studio owner or health and wellbeing entrepreneur? 

Q.  Are you looking to branch out in your business this year, pitch to bigger clients, refine your offerings and play to your strengths? 

Q. Are you ready to acknowledge what holds you back and transform your fears with the support of a mastermind group to see your blindspots and grow your networks?

Q.  Do you want to stop feeling pulled in all directions and at risk of burnout and bring your happiness, money stuff and business vision into alignment so you can live the most fulfilling life possible?

Q.  Are you sick of operating in isolation and want to connect with a buzzing community of passionate people who can support you, inspire you and make you accountable to your goals?

Q.  Are you ready to invest in your own professional and personal development as an integral part of your success in life and business?

If you answered YES then we’re a match!

Like swiping right on your life!

A one off clarity session to work on packaging your services, inspire marketing ideas think of campaigns, straplines, or map out your project plan and choose which is the next right step.  These sessions are great if you are feeling stuck and need some proactive energising.  We’ll be solutions focussed, to give you a range of options to choose from to get underneath your challenge and help you move forward.

Accountability and coaching are the fastest routes to making leaps in your development and up-level your life. This group is for inspired conscious entrepreneurs like you to connect and support eachother to excel and make breakthroughs in your business! Every month you can air your challenges confidentially, and receive group coaching to get underneath them and inspire solutions in a capacity building atmosphere.

How many times have you set goals and forgotten about them, or found out you didn’t really want that you wanted something else? Embodied Goals is the art of getting real and authentic about setting goals that give you direction towards your dreams. This workshop is about letting go expectations and instead tapping into our intuitive ability to create truly motivating goals from the inside out. Try them on for size in your body and supercharge you tenacity as an innovative leader in your field. Align your vision. mission and purpose with your 9 areas of wellbeing and bring your life into balance in 2019. 

12 weeks to transform your mindset from devoted martyr to energetically balanced pro.  Each module dives into a key element of creating and conveying your meaningful message. Put this into context with our 4 Pillars of Happiness method.  Set yourself up with a lean business model that allows you to streamline your systems, target your focus, play to your strengths and delegate your weaknesses. Learn how to align your vision with your mission to create an authentic personal brand, win clients and manage bookings, organise your budgets, have faith in your value and spend more time doing what you LOVE!




Balance all areas of your life with vision.  Combine all 4 threads together to create one completely life changing 6 month programme.  Clarify your complete life vision in alignment with your key aspirations as a human being.  We focus on 9 areas of wellbeing from your character development to your health and fitness, your spiritual practice and your travel and learning goals. Give purpose to your priorities this year and connect with a buzzing community of people just like you.

Inspired to create that vision?

Ping me a message on 07557911520.

Or I’ll call you at a time that suits here:

“Cat is a total powerhouse. She drives projects through to completion. As a yoga teacher and facilitator she is a force of nature, making everything joyous and fun as she takes you on a road to evolve your way of being.

Melvyn Carlisle, Director of Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Festival London

“Cat utilises ancient yogic techniques that transcend core issues that get stored in the body as blocked energy which is extremely uncomfortable to live with at times. I’ve really benefitted from the techniques and skills she applies to her clients and work

Paul Weedon, Psychotherapist, Your Space Counselling

Make an Enquiry

I’d love to hear from you. Please let me know a bit about you, your challenge and why you are choosing to work with me. 

5 + 10 =