The 4 Pillars of Happiness
move from burnout to brilliance, one step at a time
- Transformational personal development for spiritually conscious pragmatists
- One to one coaching and/or group coaching on our 12 week course
- Wellbeing strategy design and regenerative culture workshops for teams
- A tribe with the drive to thrive
- A resource library of recordings, videos and meditations to support your learning and help ground and balance you
Are you ready?
- Are you ready to take the step to unleash your potential happiness in life day to day?
- Are you ready to turn the volume down on the inner critic and turn up the bass of your inner badass?
- If you are ready to get called on your stuff so you can let go of sabotaging behaviours?
- Are you ready to be held accountable on holding your vision and your highest potential and make your dreams happen?
- Are you ready to embrace life and create new habits that support your growth and evolution as a human.
Calm your mind, move your body, let go of the past so you can embrace the present moment.
Clarify what and who empowers you and how you step into your power.
Align your actions with your values and your vision.
Be playful in your attitude to balance challenge with creativity and find your state of flow.

Everyone talks about peace of mind but it can be an illusive fleeting state of being. Feeling a genuine sense of calm day to day is a dream for a lot of people and a hilarious idea for others. This pillar takes an honest look at what is creating noise in your mind with a pragmatic approach to releasing tension and cultivating a peaceful mindset.

Week 1
This module is about refining the art of being present in the moment.

Week 2
Week two is about creating daily practices that help you manage your happiness.

Week 3
Gratitude is an essential component of happiness.

Week 1:
This module is about choosing what we focus on and refining the art of being present in the moment.
First we take an audit of your current life balance using the wheel of wellbeing as a guide to identify where you are at and your aspirations for the course. Next you learn to meditate and attune your focus.

Week 2:
Week two is about creating daily practices that help you manage your happiness naturally. You review your daily routine, energy and time management and design a personalised yoga and meditation practice to integrate and lay your foundation for the course.
We all have limiting beliefs about ourselves and left unchecked, these can create deep subconscious blocks and patterns of behaviour lead to us sabotage our own success. This module offers practices that clear it, and create opportunities for growth. We use powerful tools like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and forgiveness practice to take a set of bolt croppers to your patterns of pain and suffering so you can free your energy up for new creations.

Week 3:
Gratitude is an essential component of happiness. Focussing on what we appreciate instead of what we lack literally
rewires our brains to see more positive in our lives. Evolution has set us up to notice the dangers so it’s up to us to
reprogramme our minds to draw attention to what we we are grateful for. Appreciation takes gratitude to the next level
and expresses it. So we not only get better at feeling grateful ourselves but also in communicating it. We cover Gary
Chapman’s 5 Languages of Love in this module too to better understand our needs, wants and desires to feel
appreciated. So we can spread this practice easily like a smile in the street.

Week 4:
It is not your status but your way of being that people connect with. We look at your food, exercise and activities that
charge you up from the inside out. Living happy is as much about consciously choosing to act on your values as it is
about giving yourself the right fuel and surrounding yourself with people who support that.

Week 5:
Your inner vibration is what people read about you,, the belief they have in you, the way they treat you – will be a direct
response to what your vibe is. How they feel around you, and the energy you give off. This module is about operating
at your highest vibration – how to feel when you are in and out of alignment. And paying attention to the expansion and
contraction theory to help lift yourself consciously to keep your vibrational frequency high.

Week 6:
Together we are stronger. We often neglect our closest relationships when we have a habit of sacrificing ourselves “for
the sake of business, kids” etc etc. First clocking and then deepening the relationships that support us on a soul level
is the core of this module. They say we are the product of the 5 people we spend the most time with. This module
gives you space to reflect on that, and create a web of support around you so you can grow, feel inspired, share
openly and feel empowered by your tribe.
As part of our tribe you can plug into a support network both in our Facebook group and on our group coaching calls.
You can apply to be part of our buddy system for the duration of the course so you can bounce off eachother as you

Week 7:
Clarifying your life vision. Taking stock on where you are at in your wheel of wellbeing, what needs balancing, what
needs your attention. What you choose. It is about getting really clear on what your intentions are in your life. How
does the world look and feel if your vision were already real? Getting a clear picture of your inentions, your vision and
bringing into balance the key aspects of focus can help give laser focus on the direction of this next phase of your life.

Week 8:
Transforming deepest pain into greatest gift. This is about using your unique learnings, and empowering yourself to
see these as gifts that offer a unique perspective. This is about ‘embodied goals setting. Clarifying your idea and
making it fly. Looking at what resources you have, what you need, where you want to go and who your are supporting.
This is about getting really specific and being smarter about goal setting in an authentic way that allows you to
really live your purpose.

Week 9:
Connection, intimacy and accountability. Who around you hold you to account on your life goals? Who will call you out
who will inspire you and drive your to the next level? This module is about creating the right connections to elevate
your life to the next level. Making conscious connections with people, places, resources and hubs to learn, grow and
continue expanding. What are the minimum resources do I need to How will I make an impact?

Week 10:
What are your celebration practices? Do you have any? When do you feel free? Is it when you dance, when you
cycle, surf or write poetry? What helps you to celebrate life and do you pay regular attention to it or is it the first thing
to go when life gets busy? So often we neglect the playful side of life and low and behold we feel serious and overwhelmed
before long. This module is about getting conscious about celebrating, and putting some unique practices in
place to safeguard this essential part of happy living.

Week 11:
Humans are inherently creative, whether this is with the arts, food, conversation, horticulture, inventing innovation and
engineering. All too often we marginalise this aspect of ourselves, with curriculums marginalising this aspect of humanity
and societal pressures to promote the more functional left brain aspects – this module bring into balance your
own creative flair. We put a bespoke plan of action in place to give space to your creativity to cultivate the happiest
version of you.

Week 12:
This final module is all about freedom and adventure. It is about letting go of control and letting life come to you. It is
about consciously moving with the tides, going with the flow and allowing the possibilities to become limitless. Sometimes
we limit our own possibilities by deciding we know the answer and ignore the blessings that come in from the
side. This module is about unravelling the conditioning that tells us we need to have all the answers, it is about relaxing
and allowing the universe to provide. Giving space for the overall wisdom of the situation to be greater than one
tiny mind could ever conceive.

Just the word ‘power’ can have negative connotations for us, so no wonder we are so prone to sabotaging our inner power and staying small. This pillar is all about reframing the meaning of power for you, taking responsibility for your own happiness and empowering yourself and others.

Week 4
How you show up in the world makes every difference.

Week 5
The way you show up in the world speak a thousand words.

Week 6
Together we are stronger. We often neglect our closest relationships…

‘Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world,
indeed it is the only thing that ever has.’
Margaret Mead
I’ve got this quote on my fridge, my Mum put it there and I kept it all these years. This pillar is about intention creating legacy, about stepping out of the big ‘I am’ and into the higher purpose, being in service of something greater. Crystalising your feeling of purpose supercharges your power and momentum into the soulful stratosphere. When we aligned there is no staying small in fear there is only inspired action.

Week 7
Clarifying your life vision. Taking stock on where you are at…

Week 8
Clarifying your message, motivation, and mission to make your impact in the world.

Week 9
Who around you hold you to account on your life goals?

Is everything about focus and work these days? You find playfulness is often forgotten and pushed down the list as other more pressing priorities keep taking over. Either that or you are just fabulous at this aspect and you’re cup runneth over to all around you. Great! This pillar is about sharing your gifts with the world in playful ways that have the guts to try and fail and try again, and the courage to celebrate life in all it’s wonder.
But wherever you start this pillar it is absolutely essential you finish with the ability to receive. Our ability to surrender to what is is absolutely vital to happy living. The revolution starts and ends with you.

Week 10
What are your celebration practices? Do you have any?

Week 11
Humans are inherently creative, whether this is with the arts, food, conversation…

Week 12
This final module is all about surrendering to what life brings with a heart full of freedom and adventure.
“Cat is a fantastic teacher and guide. She is intuitive to emotional and physical needs of her students. Since seeing Cat my husband and I have truly reconnected. Cat has challenged us both but nurtured us at the same time. I have been suffering from an old back injury and Cat knows her anatomy and understands movement and its connection with the mind, so has really assisted me with my issues. Absolutely blown away. “
“As parents who’d fallen into putting time with the children above our time together our connection felt in need of some tlc. Booking Cat felt like a precious commitment to ourselves. Her focus, commitment and love shone through as she advised and encouraged us to reach levels of mutual support we didn’t know were there. Cat’s joy, enthusiasm and love ensured we felt totally nourished and looking forward to repeating and deepening the experience in the near future on retreat.”
Coaching Course
personal development for career changers, entrepreneurs and creatives
Do you want to dive deep into your mindset, identify and let go of your limiting beliefs? Are you a high functioning human with a closet full of low self worth stories hiding away in there? Do you find you sabotage your success sometimes and want to break that pattern?
The patriarchal way is exhausting because it has an air of falsehood. So what’s the new middle way? Radical honesty and integrity is a fast track to happy living, only when you keep the right company that reflects you values back at you, with a purpose far greater than you. With revolutionary techniques that I can’t wait to show you.
I am limited to 5 one to one coaching clients and 10 group coaching clients on this round. I’d love that to include you. I’ll only do 1-2 programme intakes per year to give the proper attention. This one will have videos and recorded meditations too! I’m really excited about it. If you want to have a discovery call to see if we’re a match – book yours now.
One to One Coaching
12 week one to one coaching course
Weekly 90-minute coaching sessions with Cat offering accountability and deep dive on a particular challenge and modality of practice each week.
Evergreen access to a library of regenerative resources for self care, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual growth.
Access to Cat via Whatsapp text to ask her questions directly to support you throughout the program between sessions to help hold you to account on showing up as the best version of yourself. Acknowledge achievements, air challenges, insights and learnings.
Personal one to one coaching for 12 weeks. Breakthrough your subconscious blocks once and for all with 100 focus on deep diving into your personal journey in complete confidence.
Get in Touch to Find Out More…
Let’s talk.